Muino Taquidir

Environmental Director

Muino has an extensive professional background in forestry and environmental management spanning several decades. He has held various roles in Mozambique, working on forest inventory, fund administration for NGOs, forest and wildlife services, afforestation programs, and more.

He pursued graduate studies in Environmental Management and Development as well as a Master's degree in Forestry at the Australian National University, focusing on environmental impact assessment, modern forest inventory techniques, and forest management certification. Throughout his career, he has served as a coordinator, director, consultant, and advisor in forestry-related projects, including forest conservation, sustainable management, REDD+, and biodiversity conservation.

Muino has received recognition and awards for his contributions, and he has authored publications on topics such as forest mapping, land use inventory, forest certification, climate change adaptation, and wood crafts. With his expertise, he is a valuable asset for initiatives concerning sustainable forest management, biodiversity conservation, and climate change mitigation.

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