
Trade & Distribution

Supply of core staple products directly to market

Trading: From its beginnings, RGS has been actively involved in trading, supplying essential products like Sugar, Rice, Washing Powder, and more to the market. The trading division serves two important purposes: increasing revenue and gathering market information for potential investments in both trading and manufacturing. Based on the unit's experience, certain products are gradually shifted from trading to manufacturing, ensuring informed decision-making.

Transportation Fleet: What initially began as a support division quickly evolved into a thriving business unit with a fleet of over 120 trucks, and this number continues to grow. The transportation fleet plays a pivotal role in RGS's growth by ensuring a continuous flow and availability of products in key routes. Additionally, it helps drive down product costs, contributing to overall operational efficiency.

© RGS Group Holdings LTD 2023

© RGS Group Holdings LTD 2023

© RGS Group Holdings LTD 2023